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When is it possible to rent the Studenterhytta?

- It is not possible to rent the cabin anymore this semester!!

- The period in which the Studenterhytta can be rented is: Autumn semester: from the end of August to the second week of November and spring semester: from mid-January to the end of April. This is because the cabin is closed during the exam period.

- It is not possible to rent the cabin on Saturdays and Sundays, because then we are open at the weekend. We prefer rentals on Friday.

- You can rent the cabin for a maximum of 1 night. You make arrangements with the person in charge from the cabin when you want to arrive at the cabin on the day of the event, but preferably not too early as the volunteers can have school during the day on Thursday and Friday. Arriving around 4pm is appropriate. If you stay overnight, the cabin must be washed before 11.30 the next day.


Who can rent?

- You should book the cabin for the semester in advance, as it fills up quickly.

- If there are several people who want the same date, we prioritize NTNUI groups over other booking enquiries.

- When you submit a booking request, it is not guaranteed that you will be able to rent the Studenterhytta, as unfortunately there are more people who want to rent than we have capacity for.


Our capacity for various things:

- Our maximum capacity is 150, a maximum of 50 people can stay overnight and a maximum of 150 people can have dinner in the cabin


Info about price:

- It costs NOK 50 per person for NTNUI groups and NOK 100 per person for all others, e.g. line associations to rent Studenterhytta. If you are a small group who wants to rent, you still have to pay a minimum price that is equivalent to rent for 45 people.

- It costs NOK 100 per person to stay overnight for NTNUI groups and NOK 110 per person for everyone else. Breakfast is included in this price.

- Stamp: NOK 2,500

- Wood-fired sauna: NOK 750

- Electric sauna: free (it is small, so recommend taking the wood-burning sauna as well)

- After the party, the landlord usually cleans the cabin himself, but we can do it for NOK 3,000.


Info about food:

- Dinner at events is normally ordered through Sit Catering, because we have a partnership with them. 2 weeks before the event, you must say what kind of dishes you want, the number of portions, and come with an allergen list + info if anyone is vegetarian/vegan. You can wish for other dishes, but it is not guaranteed that Sit can cook them. Furthermore, it is possible to arrange catering yourself, but then the landlord must arrange the booking and transport up to the cabin. The landlord is not allowed to use the kitchen in the cottage. Food brought with you is also not good to eat in the cabin area. There is zero tolerance for brought alcohol. The menu for Sit with price can be found here.


Cabin guards and sobriety officer:

- When you rent the Studenterhytta, you must have something called cabin guards at the event. These are people who will do the "job" during the event. There should be between 4-8 cabin guards (varies depending on the size of the event). The cabin guards set the table, clean up, do the dishes, etc. The cabin guards can be anyone and it is the tenant's responsibility to provide them. It is usually someone from another line association or NTNUI group. Furthermore, you must have a sobriety officer (between 1-2) who must be sober throughout the event and this person must be from the same group as those who rent out, i.e. have good knowledge of those who participate in the event.



- For larger events, it is mainly necessary to have security guards at the event, which entails an additional cost for the rent, this will be clarified in advance.







(for organizations only)

Thanks for the inquiry!

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